2023 Full Catalog
Having possession of this catalog is not an offer to sell. Account approval is required prior to order placement. Please call our Customer Service Department at 1-877-622-1956 or go online at www.hardware-house.com for new account inquiry information.
Hardware House Products are offered through approved distributions and retailers. To open an account or to locate a distributor near you call us at 1-877-622-1956, or go online at www.hardware-house.com, and click on the About Us tab for more information and new account inquiry.
Call Orders to our Customer Service Department 1-877-622-1956. Customer Service hours are 7:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m. CST Fax orders to 1-866-300-1778. Orders can be faxed anytime, day or night. Placing orders online via our website @ www.hardware-house.com click on Customer Login tab to access product inquiry, order processing and more. You must have a Customer ID and Password to access this area. Email orders to: customerservice@hardware-house.com . Orders can be e-mailed anytime, day or night. EDI Order entry is available. Contract our customer service department for more details.
Our terms are Net 30-Days. Payments not received by the due date will be subject to a 1% (or maximum allowed by state law) service charge, which will be applied to the unpaid balance. Payments must be made by the due date to qualify for next shipment and prepaid freight. Send Payments to: Hardware House, LLC P.O. Box 249 Atchison, KS 66002 Freight is F.O.B. Shipping Point; however freight will be prepaid on orders of $1,000 or more, provided invoices are paid within terms. Fuel surcharges can apply for all shipping terms. There is an additional $12.75 shipping charge per carton for small orders sent via FedEx/UPS. *Prepaid order amounts and shipping charges can change at anytime due to increased costs. All orders quoted and shipped are for customers with a warehouse or store location with a receiving / loading dock or having the ability to forklift pallet orders off a delivery truck. If shipments are made to a non-accomodating location, residential or other facility where said shipments cannot be made, then a Lift Gate or hand unloading charge will apply. Delivery information should be provided at the time of order placement to help facilitate proper delivery. The additional charge for this service will be billed separately after the carrier notifies Hardware House, LLC.
Hardware House, LLC make every attempt to ship your order complete, however if stock-outs are found we do not automatically back order product for product not shipped.
The information printed in this catalog is based on the latest product information available at the time of printing. Hardware House, LLC reserves the right to make style or model changes and to discontinue models without notice. Hardware House, LLC is not responsible for misprints or typographical errors.
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