

high-traffic touchpoints in the store and wiping down shopping carts and baskets. Employees were screened for COVID-19 symptoms before they clocked in for their shifts, and in April, the store began requiring customers and employees to wear masks inside the store, even donating masks to the local businesses in their shopping center. In the months since, McGuckin Hardware has installed plexiglass guards on registers and has implemented one- way store entrances and exits to allow Thursday mornings for at-risk customers with medical conditions and for those over 65 years of age. Although the pandemic has had a serious impact on their day-to-day operations, sales remain stronger than ever. According to store manager Bernadette Tillis, McGuckin is ordering in larger quantities than they ever have at this time of year, and Blish-Mize continues to deliver merchandise to the store each week. “Their stock levels and selection have been good,” she says. “We are offering our customers the same choices we always have, but the customers are just buying more.” McGuckin Hardware continues to do what it can for the Boulder community, providing essential products in an unprecedented time. for social distancing. In May, the company also added designated shopping hours on Tuesday and

McGuckin Hardware has implemented one-way store entrances and exits in an effort to follow social distancing guidelines. The store also created designated shopping hours for at-risk customers.

“Their stock levels and selection have been good. We are

offering our customers the same choices we always have, but the customers are just buying more.” —Bernadette Tillis, McGuckin store manager

Employees at McGuckin Hardware are screened for COVID-19 symptoms before they clock in for their shifts, and the store requires customers and employees to wear masks.

20 Fall 2020 • Hardlines Strategies

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