Continue Moving Forward Exceeding Expectations and Leading During Crisis
The entire team at Blish-Mize has been working diligently to continue the movement of products to customers. In some cases, employees who previously worked in the office transitioned to Distribution Center positions to contribute to the goal of consistent service.
S ince the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the independent home improvement industry has been deemed essential, which means many of you have been working nonstop to develop systems to make sure you can keep your employees, your community members and your families safe.
You have undoubtedly handled this situation with urgency and with the intention of keeping things as normal as possible. You may have expanded contactless pickup or delivery options and delved into e-commerce to give your customers another way to access necessary goods. While you were making those decisions and changing operations, Blish-Mize was doing the same. On the following pages, read a conversation with Greg Lutz, executive vice president of operations, and CEO and president Jonathan Mize, who talk about how the whole team at Blish-Mize worked hard to provide seamless service while shifting operations internally. Finally, get some tips on leading during crisis from Dr. Rob Mathews, executive director of the Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute at Ball State University.
4 Fall 2020 • Hardlines Strategies
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