Dealer Guide 1.2.2013
Bin Labels/Price Stickers
Standard bin labels and price stickers are generated for all stock orders unless the customer requests they not be sent. Bin labels & prices stickers can also be generated for stock items that are shipped direct from the manufacturer or to reprice merchandise in your store. Bin labels and price stickers can be ordered using your Remote Order Entry (ROE) Unit. (See the operating instructions provided with your ROE.) Bin labels/price stickers are normally shipped with the merchandise stock orders.
Standard UPC Bin Label Fields appearing on the standard bin label are described below: * Line 1 Product Description * Line 2
Blish-Mize Item Code, Quantity Ordered, Selling Unit, Sell Pack Quantity, Break Pack Flag, Net Price (coded) Catalog Page, Retail Sensitivity Code, Retail Gross Margin %, Order Date ** Appears if Retail Unit is different from Selling Unit. Left Side of Perforation Displays the Order Line # and carton # if item is a repack Retail Price, Bar Code / UPC Number
* Line 3 * Line 4 * Line 5
Standard Price Sticker Fields appearing on the standard price sticker are described below: * Line 1 Abbreviated Customer Name * Line 2 Blish-Mize Item Code Number * Line 3 Net Price (coded) * Line 4 Date (mmyy), Retail Unit * Line 5 Retail Price * Line 6 ** Appears if Retail Unit is different than Selling Unit Custom Bin Labels/Price Stickers Bin labels/price stickers can be customized to meet a dealer’s unique applications. Various data fields can be placed on the bin label/price sticker to satisfy a dealer’s requirements. The most common customization is the use of the dealer’s unique cost code in the Net Price field. Charges/Quantities The charge for bin labels and price stickers is 3 cents ($.030) per line of bin label or price sticker form printed. The form provides one label and six price stickers per line. The price stickers are printed from left to right as follows: 1. One sticker for each unit shipped 2. One “End of Quantity Ordered” sticker 3. Extra stickers The “End of Quantity Ordered” sticker and extra stickers are printed only when unused stickers are available from the six stickers provided on each line of the sheet of stickers.
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