Dealer Guide 1.2.2013

Direct Ship Orders

Direct ship ordering refers to orders that are billed to you by Blish-Mize for mer- chandise shipped directly to you from the factory. Direct shipments are most likely for seasonal and price-sensitive merchandise. You may contact the factory directly to place a direct ship order quickly and effi- ciently. When placing your order, give the vendor your Blish-Mize customer num- ber, instruct the vendor to ship the order directly to your store and to bill the order through Blish-Mize. Refer to the Vendor Directory in our catalog for the vendor’s address, phone num- ber, fax number and direct ship information such as order minimums and freight terms. Our Customer Service Department may be able to assist you if you want to place an order with a vendor that is not in the directory. When direct ship merchandise is sold through a dealer market or other promotions, Blish-Mize will provide order forms for your use in placing the order with the fac- tory. The regular drop ship adder will apply unless otherwise noted on the order form. Your invoice from Blish-Mize for the direct shipment will provide a one-line descrip- tion and total invoice amount. The invoice amount will include the factory’s invoice, any applicable freight charges, the Blish-Mize adder and processing fee. The ad- der, which varies by vendor, is shown in the Vendor Directory. A copy of the fac- tory invoice is attached to the Blish-Mize invoice, providing detailed product infor- mation.

The Blish-Mize invoice amount and terms are the applicable charges to the Dealer. The vendor total and vendor terms do not apply to the Blish-Mize dealer invoice.


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