Fall 2014 Hardlines Strategies
increases your sales and profits by allowing you to offer more products to your custom- ers, and it’s easy for Blish-Mize to quickly deliver your special orders. Blish-Mize helps you discover and manage your Retail Profitability. It’s important to know what categories and products do well in your store, as well as which ones may not do so well. As part of the Retail Profit Management program,
Blish-Mize staff can review your market area to more closely determine in what categories you’re doing well, and in which categories you could be stronger. Maintaining a profitable category also means making sure you are priced competitively. After helping you find the best products for your market, Blish-Mize takes the next step in helping you find the best prices. We can help you adjust your gross margins in many different ways—by category, by department or with sensitivity
codes—to ensure your store is the most profitable it can be. At Blish-Mize, our primary goal is to make you as successful and profitable as possible.
Blish-Mize has low minimum orders.
Want to place a smaller order? No prob- lem. Blish-Mize offers low minimum order rates, meaning you can get the best freight rates with no fuel surcharges, even if you aren’t ordering much at once. We go the extra mile to make sure you get what you need, when you need it. Need something else customized to your store? Just ask, and we will do our best to customize our CUSTOMER SERVICE to your needs.
At Blish-Mize, our primary goal is to make you as successful and profitable as possible, and we offer services like these to help you achieve that.
Blish-Mize offers a wide variety of product assortments, ensuring you can get what you need, nomatter what kind of market your store is in.
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