Fall 2016 Hardlines Strategies
Looking to the Future Blish-Mize Helps Star Lumber Plan for the Next Generation
“I think the Blish-Mize team acts differently because of that—their family commitment shows in the success of their business and the success of other
Blish-Mize customers. It sets Blish-Mize apart
from the rest.” —Patrick Goebel, president and COO
“I think it’s good for everyone to have a boss and to have the accountability that comes with it,” he says. Another key to the company’s success is its relationship with Blish-Mize, another family company that has been in business for many years. Star Lumber celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2014, while Blish-Mize is celebrating its 145th anniversary this year. “I can tell you there’s a visible difference between Blish-Mize and other distributor options that are not family businesses,” Goebel says. “The fact that Blish-Mize has been a successful family business for as long as they have is inspiring. “I think the Blish-Mize team acts differently because of that—their family commitment shows in the success of their business and the success of other Blish-Mize customers,” he says. “It sets Blish-Mize apart from the rest.” Something for Everyone One of the first steps to successfully planning for the future is finding the
Jeff Goebel attended NRHA’s Retail Management Certification Program, where he participated in leadership and management classes and completed a Business Improvement Project.
It’s important to think about good communication, educational opportunities for up-and-coming family members and who fits best in each area of the business. proper succession plan is in place for when the next generation takes over. O ne of the biggest challenges of working in a family business is ensuring a
These responsibilities may present chal- lenges at times, but Star Lumber, a fourth- generation family business headquartered in Wichita, Kansas, has taken several measures to ensure the company is in the best position it can be as it looks toward the future. Currently leading the business are Patrick Goebel, who serves as president and COO, and his cousin, Chris Goebel, CEO and chairman. “I’m responsible for all operations, and doing it this way allows Chris to keep a pulse on what’s going on, while giving me both freedom and responsibility,” Patrick Goebel says. “In many ways, we are co-leaders.
38 Fall 2016 • Hardlines Strategies
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