Fall 2016 Hardlines Strategies
Visit Booth #332 for great cash coupon deals!
PPG has a line-up of strong, well respected brands offering a wide range of choices to meet the varying needs of consumers, interior designers, painting contractors, property managers, developers and architects.
Stop by the booth to check out our product line-up!
ThePPG logo isa registered trademarkofPPG IndustriesOhio, Inc. FLOOD ® , Flood&PaintBrushDesign ,andLIQUIDNAILS ® Logoare registered trademarksof thePPGGroupofCompanies.PROLUXE ™ isa trademarkofPPGArchitecturalFinishes, Inc. SIKKENS ® isa registeredTrademarkofAkzoNobel.DEFT ® and HorseshoeDesign are registered trademarksofPRC-Desoto International, Inc.HOMAX ® isa registered trademarkofHomaxProducts, Inc.Homax isaPPGArchitecturalCoatingsbusiness
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