Fall 2017 Hardlines Strategies
Speaking Out Check out these learning opportunities at the Market.
Millennial Communication 10 a.m., Friday, Sept. 15
Local Impact 2 p.m., Friday, Sept. 15 9 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 16
Learn how to best communicate with millennial customers and employees from national speaker Shannon Oleen. Are millennials at a disadvantage because technology has been a part of their lives from the very beginning? If so, how do we shift away from “connecting” through “likes,” emoticons and friend counts? How do we develop skills that are more emotionally fulfilling? Oleen looks to answer these questions and give you the tools needed to bridge generational gaps.
Join the North American Retail Hardware Association’s (NRHA) Dan Tratensek to learn how to best integrate your company into your local community. NRHA’s recent Home Sweet Home study outlines just how important local shopping can be to the economy. In real numbers, Tratensek breaks down how to increase awareness for shopping local and make your customers want to return to your store time and time again.
32 Fall 2017 • Hardlines Strategies
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