

Putting the Pieces Together Behind the Scenes of the Blish-Mize Buying Market

Executing a Market is an all-hands-on deck project, and planning starts on the next Market right after returning home from Overland Park. “About a week after we return from the Market, a planning committee meets to talk about the feedback we received from customers and any changes we want to make for the next one,” marketing director Cindy Kane says. At the same time, vice president of purchasing Sarah Lee is already hard at work connecting with vendors to invite them to the next event. Over the next several weeks, every member of the Blish-Mize team has a role to play in bringing the Market to fruition. Lee plans the show floor layout

as contracts come in, the marketing team develops a theme and finalizes business workshops and special events. Sales and marketing support coordinator Sara Rebant designs the customer invitations, signage and other graphics for the event. Merchandising managers start planning for Assortment Avenue and the store team presets planograms for the Market floor. About 30 days out from the Market, customers can access their SmartBook data to place pre-orders online and build carts in the Buying Market App in preparation for the main event. Hard-copy SmartBooks are still available by request. As the Market gets closer and registrations start coming in, Rebant

puts together all the customer packets and name badges retailers receive when they arrive. Kane says all the effort it takes to put on a Market is worth it when everyone comes together. “We’re so family oriented, whether we’re Blish-Mize employees, customers or vendors,” Kane says. “With Markets, it’s like a big family reunion.” Rebant agrees that Markets present a great opportunity to make new connections and bring people together. “My favorite part of the Market is seeing the people you don’t normally see and hearing people’s stories,” Rebant says. “It’s all part of the Market experience.”


14 Fall 2024 • Hardlines Strategies

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