

“We were visiting my daughter who lives in Arthur, and I went to check out their store because it was relatively new and a similar business to ours,” Miller says. “I walked around the store and asked Marion who his supplier was and he led me to Blish-Mize.” Transitioning from solely being a lumber supplier, Miller’s store now carries a comprehensive range of tools and hardware. Janet Elias, Blish-Mize regional sales manager, played a key role in this transformation. “Janet was the first person to come see our store,” Miller says. “She gave us a run-down on what the process entailed and how Blish-Mize would help us.” Prior to working with Blish-Mize, they stocked a few hand tools, but now, Golden Rule Lumber Co. has everything a contractor needs. “We had them come in and set it up for us because they’ve done it so many times they know what to do,” Miller says. “They know how to make it appealing. They ran our shelving the opposite way from what we initially had it to go with the traffic of the store.” In the first few meetings, Miller was able to get a big picture of what his new store would look like and how Blish-Mize’s ordering system worked. He says he now has access to products he’s never heard of and products he never thought he would sell. “We only have a small portion of what Blish-Mize offers in our store,” Miller says. “Janet is very knowledgeable and helpful in giving us tips on what we should order and how to run everything.” After almost two years of constructing the building and figuring out other business logistics, Miller officially opened the store in May 2024. The Blish-Mize setup crew arrived at his store on a Monday morning, and by Friday, the store was fully set with products lining the shelves waiting for customers. “Throughout the past two years, everybody from Blish-Mize has been very easy to work with,” Miller says. “Our experience so far has been nothing but positive.” “Everybody from Blish-Mize has been very easy to work with. Our experience has been nothing but positive.” —John Miller, Golden Rule Lumber Co.

From start to finish, the Blish-Mize team and Golden Rule Lumber Co. set up the store in five days.

Hardlines Strategies • Fall 2024 17

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