

Wylaco.com has alowed the store to expand its reach nationwide and features nearly 18,000 SKUs.

“The website has grown into something we never thought it could be,” he says. “Today, we offer more than 17,500 SKUs online.” The success of the website is solely due to the company’s relationship with Blish-Mize. Curry says his goal was to make wylaco.com into a one stop shop, and the wealth of products available, combined with the speed of Blish-Mize’s shipping, has made that goal a reality. “We sell all kinds of one-off things that we don’t stock in our stores because of all of the products Blish-Mize offers,” Curry says. “We have more variety and diversity of product than before.” They recently hired a full-time employee to help manage the website, which Curry says has been a significant help. “She has a great background in web design, email marketing and social media,” he says. “Having a dedicated person to manage that is a great asset.” Curry says they are always looking at products they can add to the website. While the website carries only a fraction of the SKUs they sell in store, they still buy based on what is easily sold online.

Frank Curry has worked at Wylaco Supply Co. since 2008. In 2017, he became the general manager of its Denver location.

24 Fall 2024 • Hardlines Strategies

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