

Kurth had been a longtime Blish-Mize customer, which stepped in to help the Bowmans complete the reset. A chance find at a home goods store that was closing in Kansas City led to them acquiring enough brand new shelving for the entire 4,000-square-foot salesfloor, plus some extra, for a great deal. Ellie says her Blish-Mize sales reps guided her and her parents through the entire reset process, evaluating the inventory and making strategic choices about which lines to expand. “Scott helped me go through our assortments,” she says. “We were able to add to our paint selection, create a bigger welding section, and we made some major upgrades to our bolt selection, including adding power tool accessories.” In addition to choosing new products, the Blish-Mize team helped the Bowmans reorganize the salesfloor to create better access for customers and keep like products together. Since making the investments in the layout and the inventory, business has been strong. The store doubled the sales of what Ellie projected in their first year of business. She says about 25% of those sales are the result of being able to special order products for customers through Blish-Mize. “If I can guarantee I’ll sell something, I’ll bring it in,” Ellie says. “Most people are willing to wait for it to come in on our next truck, which is great.” Exploring new product lines was a key part of the Bowmans’ approach at the Blish-Mize Buying Market in the spring. It was the first time they attended as full owners of the business. “We went with a plan that time,” Ellie says. “We knew things we wanted to look for or needed to add.” Some of the products they added or expanded included pressure tanks, a larger Minwax set and a new key display, as they are the only business in town that cuts keys. Ellie says she used the Market app to place orders because it gave her all the information she needed to ensure she was making the right decisions. “I used the app the whole time, which I thought was phenomenal,” she says. “I loved being able to see what I bought the most of in the last year. I was able to take advantage of all the deals right in the app.” Another way they have driven new customers is by partnering with other local businesses for events. Most recently, they hosted a wine tasting event with the area liquor store and offered a 10% off coupon for people who returned to the store. Ellie is passionate about growing the business through new departments, gift items and consumables. A local store that specialized in gifts closed, and the owner connected Ellie to her vendors to continue stocking those products. Ellie says her displays of jams, jellies, teas, snacks and dip mixes have allowed her to start attracting women in town who previously didn’t see a need to shop at the business. Her goal is to grow that side of the business and build a space next door that she will call Prickly Pear Mercantile. “I want to expand on these product lines and add boutique clothing,” she says. “I want it to be a destination place in western Kansas.”

In addition to being a full-service hardware and paint store, Prickly Pear Farm & Home also offers a variety of housewares and barbecue supplies.

Hardlines Strategies • Fall 2024 29

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