

How Independent Retailers Are Taking on Digital Marketing Online Activity

Find out how your online strategy compares to your peers according to new data from the North American Hardware and Paint Association (NHPA). In the 2024 Independent Home Improvement E-Commerce Study , NHPA asked retailers to share how much they spend on digital marketing on average and which platforms they use most. Download the entire study to see more insights about the independent channel’s approach to websites, e-commerce and digital marketing at YourNHPA.org/ecommerce and turn to Page 38 to see the solutions Blish-Mize offers to give you an edge in marketing.

What is your monthly budget for digital marketing?

$1,750 $300



What digital marketing methods do you use? (Respondents could select all that apply.)


General social media posts

Paid ads on our social platforms

Google Ads

Google Local Inventory Ads


Search Engine Optimization


Streaming TV ads


10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Note: Some Other responses include ads on YouTube and local news website ads .

36 Fall 2024 • Hardlines Strategies

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