Fall 2014 Hardlines Strategies
FALL 2014, VOL. 14, 2
A Strong Partnership
Star Lumber Celebrates 75 th Anniversary and a Long HistoryWith Blish-Mize Page 8
Also in this Issue: OrderingMadeEasy Page4 Market Preview Page22 SmartBookSuccess Page28
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Keeping You on the Leading Edge
Contents Ordering Made Easy pg. 4 Blish-Mize makes product ordering easy for you.
I t’s an exciting time to be a retailer! Employment numbers are up, housing starts are rising and consumers are looking to tackle more d-i-y home improvement projects—all activi- ties that will add growth for you, our valued cus- tomers. We value our partnerships at Blish-Mize, and we’re so happy to be standing by Star Lumber as they celebrate 75 years of business. As one of the Industry’s Top 300 Retailers, Star has proven it
Customer Feature
pg. 8
Read about how Star Lumber and Blish-Mize work closely together.
Customer Feature pg. 18 Learn how Blish-Mize gave Hostetler’s Feed & Farm Supply a new look. pg. 22 Get ready to save at the Blish-Mize 2014 Fall Buying Market. pg. 28 Read about Blish-Mize retailers who have found success with the SmartBook. A New Partnership . . . pg. 31 Learn more about Blish-Mize’s partnership with Titan LED Lighting and what it can mean for your store. On the Cover: Chris and Patrick Goebel of Star Lumber in Wichita, Kansas. Market Preview SmartBook
isn’t afraid to innovate and create new strategies for success. Developing strong relationships with both customers and vendors is an essential part of the equation of distribution. One of the ways Blish-Mize has always strived to lead the industry is through technology integration. On both our Retail Services side, as well as with our Operations, we’re constantly energizing the business with the ultimate goal of helping you have access to the most powerful tools and services that help your business. Staying current and connected to your needs is our No. 1 priority, and Blish-Mize is committed to taking steps to invest in infrastructure and programs that will ensure we are positioning the company, and yours, for a long future of service. Technological improvements at Blish-Mize have taken many forms over the past years. From improving our accuracy rates to almost 100 percent to giving you access to your purchase histories at our Buying Markets through our new SmartBook program, we are always looking for ways to improve and grow. This year, we’re focusing on some facility changes we think will have a positive effect on all aspects of our business and yours. One of our most exciting initiatives is our adaptation of voice-picking technology at our Distribution Center. This technology will help our employees process orders quicker and more efficiently and will improve accuracy and fill rates. See more information on Page 32. In addition, we’ve installed new LED lighting in both our office and Distribution Center. This simple change is anticipated to save us 65 percent in utility costs, which we can pass on to you. By making investments in LED lighting now, we believe we will save on expensive overhead costs and help you do the same. Read more about it on Page 31. Be sure to check out all the details on these new initiatives throughout the magazine, and please feel free to call me whenever you may need something. I love to talk about the industry, the future of Blish-Mize, your business and our continued partnership.
Advertising Information Hardlines Strategies is published twice every year by Blish-Mize. Copyright 2014. For advertising rates and deadlines, please contact:
Blish Connor Blish-Mize
223 S. Fifth St., Box 249 Atchison, Kansas 66002 Toll free: (800) 995-0525 (913) 367-1250
Jonathan D. Mize CEO and President
(913) 375-2505 (cell) (913) 367-0667 (fax) e-mail: blish.connor@blishmize.com
Blish-Mize isamember-owner ofDistributionAmerica
Hardlines Strategies • Fall 2014 3
Blish-Mize puts the CUSTOM in Customer Service: We Aim to Please—Ordering Made Easy O rdering product for your store can be a complicated
“We are large enough to service you with our large assortment of products, but we are small enough to take a more personal, custom approach to every store’s needs.” Blish-Mize has a wide offering of product assortments for your market. Take the guesswork out of your product selection! Every market is a little different—a popular product at your store may not sell at a store 50 or 100 miles away. That’s why Blish-Mize offers such a wide variety of product assortments. By tailoring the assortments to exactly what your customers are looking for, Blish-Mize minimizes the chance of you carrying product that isn’t turning. This, of course, impacts your profits. fees,” says Blish-Mize Vice President of Sales Doug Long. process, but with the variety of terms and products Blish-Mize offers, it doesn’t have to be. “We at Blish-Mize know that every store has different needs but everyone should be able to make easy purchases, without red tape or hidden
Blish-Mize’s variety of terms and products makes ordering easy.
Blish-Mize has multiple purchase levels.
ordering, you can place an order anytime, day or night. “Not only does it make ordering easier, but you can take part in promotions at any time of the day,” says Long. “It’s a more flexible process for your schedule.” If you aren’t online, you can purchase or lease an Electronic Scan and Order Handheld device from Blish-Mize. Blish-Mize provides a strong special order program. Being a Blish-Mize customer means you can meet the needs of a diverse range of cus- tomers and you can be the “go-to retailer” for those hard-to-find items. If a customer wants something you don’t have in stock, you can easily order it through Blish-Mize’s special order program. This program
Unlike co-ops that may require you to purchase a certain amount of inventory, Blish-Mize lets you dictate how much you need to buy. No matter how much or how little you purchase from Blish- Mize, there’s a program specifically tailored to your needs. The more you buy, the more you save. And, unlike some national co-ops, Blish-Mize doesn’t charge any ancillary fees. You can order from Blish-Mize via the web 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you need to order something right away, it doesn’t matter if it’s outside of normal business hours. With online
4 Fall 2014 • Hardlines Strategies
increases your sales and profits by allowing you to offer more products to your custom- ers, and it’s easy for Blish-Mize to quickly deliver your special orders. Blish-Mize helps you discover and manage your Retail Profitability. It’s important to know what categories and products do well in your store, as well as which ones may not do so well. As part of the Retail Profit Management program,
Blish-Mize staff can review your market area to more closely determine in what categories you’re doing well, and in which categories you could be stronger. Maintaining a profitable category also means making sure you are priced competitively. After helping you find the best products for your market, Blish-Mize takes the next step in helping you find the best prices. We can help you adjust your gross margins in many different ways—by category, by department or with sensitivity
codes—to ensure your store is the most profitable it can be. At Blish-Mize, our primary goal is to make you as successful and profitable as possible.
Blish-Mize has low minimum orders.
Want to place a smaller order? No prob- lem. Blish-Mize offers low minimum order rates, meaning you can get the best freight rates with no fuel surcharges, even if you aren’t ordering much at once. We go the extra mile to make sure you get what you need, when you need it. Need something else customized to your store? Just ask, and we will do our best to customize our CUSTOMER SERVICE to your needs.
At Blish-Mize, our primary goal is to make you as successful and profitable as possible, and we offer services like these to help you achieve that.
Blish-Mize offers a wide variety of product assortments, ensuring you can get what you need, nomatter what kind of market your store is in.
6 Fall 2014 • Hardlines Strategies
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7/2/14 11:08 AM
A Strong Partnership Star Lumber Celebrates 75th Anniversary, Long History With Blish-Mize
“I remember going to the Blish show with my dad when I was a little boy,” says Star Lumber CEO and Chairman of the Board Chris Goebel. “We’ve been with Blish for as long as I can remember.” “It’s been since before either Chris or I was born,” adds President and COO Patrick Goebel. Whatever the exact number of years— Chris and Patrick, who are cousins, esti- mate it is at least 50—it’s been a strong relationship for Star Lumber and Blish- Mize, and it’s one both parties value, thanks to close relationships between employees and a strong understanding of each other’s businesses. From the Ground Up Star Lumber was founded in 1939 by Earl Goebel, a contractor (and Chris and Patrick’s grandfather) who decided to make the switch from residential and commercial construction to retail. The company grew over time, both by building new locations and acquiring other busi- nesses, and was passed down from one generation to the next. The flagship store in Wichita, Kansas, has gone through several remodels but still stands in the same spot as the original building, at the corner of Maple and West streets. That building currently boasts three stores—a retail location, a home concepts design center and a flooring and been a Blish-Mize customer? It’s a question not even Star’s president or CEO can answer. H ow long has Star Lumber
Although it’s been through several remodels, the Star Lumber flagship location stands in the same spot today in Wichita, Kansas, as the original building did when it was constructed in 1939.
8 Fall 2014 • Hardlines Strategies
Star Lumber’s offerings include pre-hung doors, moldings and many other building materials for its pro customers.
Building a City About 90 percent of Star’s customers are pros, and the company offers any- thing a builder or contractor could need. That includes foundation material, framing lumber, cabinetry and more. Star Lumber manufactures roof trusses and wall panels; does millwork and offers moldings, pre-hung doors, flooring, countertops, tile and more. For its D-I-Y customers who may be doing repairs or remodels, Star offers a wide variety of Blish-Mize’s Hardware House products. “Hardware House products are very nice products at a good price point,” says Patrick. “We have full collections for anyone fixing up or remodeling a room.” For a company that’s so involved in new residential construction, the drop in hous- ing starts a few years ago had a significant effect on Star Lumber. While the num- bers aren’t back at their highest, they’ve
decorating store. The corporate offices are in the building next door, with the outlet store right behind them. Other warehouses and a distribution facility are just blocks away. While business is strong, Star Lumber, like many companies, felt the effects of the recession in recent years. “Periodically, recessions cause everything to reset; businesses have to kick out every- thing they aren’t good at,” says Chris. “It’s funny; we were founded during the Great Depression, and now we’re in another recession. We’ve made lots of changes since 2008 or so to become more efficient. You do what you have to do: narrow your focus to what you’re good at. Things you aren’t good at, you quit doing.” Today, Star Lumber has six locations— four in Wichita, one in Manhattan, Kansas, and a flooring-only store in Oklahoma City—and two sales offices in Hutchinson, Kansas, and Topeka, Kansas.
rebounded over the past couple of years, bringing some more hope to Star staff. “At worst, housing starts were at 20 percent of their normal rate,” Chris says. “Now, they’re up to 40 percent. We wish they were at 60, but we can’t complain— we’re glad they’re up.” A brighter spot is multifamily housing. “Those start numbers are exceptionally good,” says Chris. “That’s helped carry us; they’ve helped us come out of the recession as well.” Two Companies in Tune Chris and Patrick Goebel both empha- size working with Blish-Mize means per- sonalized treatment from a supplier who knows their business very well. Doug Weathers, their Blish-Mize sales representative, is always available, says Patrick.
Continued on Page 14
10 Fall 2014 • Hardlines Strategies
Booth 225
L625 - Lufkin 25’ Tape BM# 4318002
H26N- Crescent 6” CeeTee Pliers BM# 4323002
DFT10- Diamond 10” Fence Plier BM# 4484309
7000397- Campbell 3/32” Vinyl Coated Cable 250’ BM# 2312783
Come by the booth for these and other specials
Star Lumber Company History 1939 Earl Goebel and Bob Vosburgh establish Star Lumber’s flagship store at Maple and West streets in Wichita, Kansas. 1952 New building at Maple and West streets is completed. 1965 Earl Goebel dies; Bill Goebel becomes Star’s second president. 1966 Star moves into its current building at Maple and West streets. 1974 Star adds its office building. 1977 A second location opens at Douglas and Hillside streets. 1979 The McCormick distribution facility is completed. 1979 Star celebrates 40 years with its first radio commercials and newspaper fliers. 1981 Funston store opens. 1980 Star receives the Home Center of the Year award. 1981 Star’s first radio jingle. 1989 Bill Goebel retires; Chris Goebel becomes the company’s third president.
Star acquires Hutchinson’s Davis Home Center.
1994 1997 2000 2001
Northrock store opens.
Star acquires Boster Lumber of Salina.
Star acquires Kansas Building Supply of Wichita.
Star acquires and assimilates six small companies.
Star partners with Perfection Truss to form Perfection Structural Components.
2006 2007
Manhattan store opens.
Star acquires Specialty Flooring of Oklahoma City.
2008 Greenwich & K-96 east side store opens in Wichita. 2010 Chris Goebel becomes chairman of the board and CEO; Patrick Goebel becomes fourth president. 2011 Star opens Lawton Facility to service Picerne Military Housing. 2013 Star acquires Holtzen Millwork. 2014 Star celebrates its 75th anniversary.
Star Lumber’s West Street location as it looked in the 1970s.
12 Fall 2014 • Hardlines Strategies
Booth # 325
Continued from Page 10
to everybody. We value our opportunity to partner with them. We think we do a great job with Blish-Mize, and Blish- Mize does a great job with us. “Blish-Mize knows what we’re looking for, and that extra communication on their part helps make us more competitive. We feel like we’re really in tune with the employees there, and they with us.” Star also works with Blish-Mize on mer- chandising ideas, store remodels and more. “The Blish-Mize team has helped us on a number of store remodels,” says Patrick. “And they’re available
for anything—they even have moving gondolas we’ve been able to use. When we’re doing something major like a remodel, Blish-Mize is our go-to for ideas, help, everything.” Blish-Mize also helps Star Lumber main- tain its independence, something Patrick says is of high value to the company. “We value our flexibility and want to be able to adapt to our customers,” he says. “We don’t want them to think they’re buy- ing from a national chain, because that’s not what we are. Our customers buy from Star. Blish-Mize allows us to be extremely com- petitive and still have our independence.”
“He’s in the stores all the time,” he says. “He knows every one of our employ- ees, from sales people to receiving dock workers to managers, and they all know him. We almost need to give Doug an office here. “He’s in tune with what we’re doing and has become a trusted partner. We can’t say enough about how important he is.” That knowledge goes both ways. Patrick says Blish-Mize is probably the only sup- plier or vendor Star works with where it knows all the employees. “We have toured Blish-Mize’s Distribution Center, and we know the employees on the shipping dock,” Patrick says. “There’s an immense amount of trust when you know every- one in an organization and have access
Blish-Mize also helps Star Lumber maintain its independence, something Patrick says is of high value to the company.
Star’s selection of Hardware House products has become very popular with its customers.
14 Fall 2014 • Hardlines Strategies
Quality and Value Of course, partnering with Blish-Mize means Star will receive products of the highest quality and value. “We can always count on Blish-Mize to be very competitively priced, and the qual- ity is always there,” says Patrick. “They’re willing to plan with us, and as a result, we’re able to adapt to the market very quickly. We’ve found it really pays to align ourselves with Blish-Mize. “Having the right product here all the time is what really matters to our custom- ers,” Patrick says. “Blish-Mize’s accuracy is incredible. They ship us what we need, when we need it.” Star Lumber has stocked Hardware House products from the beginning, and Patrick says those products have been very popular in the store. “It allows us to have a house brand name nobody else in our market is sell- ing,” he says. “There’s an amazing amount of SKUs, and it’s nice to have a branded, yet value-minded, product array. We have builders who have switched from brand names to Hardware House and love it.” Going to Market Star Lumber staff has a big presence at Blish-Mize Markets—Patrick says he usu- ally sends six or seven buyers to each. “It may seem like we send a large group to the Markets, but I support it, because I know they’re building relationships,” he says. “The biggest and best thing that comes out of the Markets is that our buy- ers spend a good amount of time with the Blish-Mize staff. We take the opportunity to sit down and have meetings and talk The company is also going to be a Pacesetter for United Way this year and was awarded the Spirit of Wichita award by the local chamber of commerce.
for Habitat for Humanity. The company is also going to be a Pacesetter for United Way this year and was awarded the Spirit of Wichita award by the local chamber of commerce. Star Lumber also held a 75th anniver- sary event in the spring, which Blish-Mize CEO & President Jonathan Mize, Blish- Mize Vice President of Sales Doug Long and Weathers all attended. “It meant a lot to us to have them all there,” Patrick says. “We really appreci- ated them taking the time to visit and to help us celebrate.”
about what we’re focusing on in our stores. The Markets are great events, and they’re very valuable for us.” A Year of Celebration Star Lumber is celebrating its 75th anni- versary in 2014, and the staff is marking it with a year of celebrations. In addition to promoting the anniver- sary at customer events, contractor expos and employee gatherings, including plans for an employee picnic at the zoo, Star employees marked the occasion earlier this year by participating in a home build
The store has everything its DIY and pro customers alike need for home building and remodeling.
16 Fall 2014 • Hardlines Strategies
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A New Look Blish-Mize Helps Hostetler’s Reset Store
About three years ago, they teamed up with Blish-Mize and made the official jump into the hardware business. And they haven’t looked back. The Right Fit If they wanted to be serious about selling hardware, the staff at Hostetler’s knew their first step would be to find a distributor who best fit their business. They appreciated that Blish-Mize got involved at a deeper level and offered plenty of personal attention to their store’s needs, rather than using a one- size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approach. After speaking with several different distribu- tors, it was clear Blish-Mize was the right fit for Hostetler’s. “We wanted a partner; not just a supplier,” says Store Manager Cody Hostetler. “And the staff at Blish-Mize didn’t want to just supply us with the products we needed; they wanted to part- ner with us.” A New Look The partnership with Blish-Mize was about more than adding hardware Hostetler’s Feed & Farm Supply in Buffalo, Missouri, could find just about any type of feed they needed—and maybe a little hardware, too. The staff continued to add more hardware, little by little, to all three locations. A few years ago, customers to
Hostetler’s staff recently added the Blish-Mize Customizable Interior Signage Package to the store.
inventory. It meant some bigger changes to the store. The Hostetler’s staff had already discussed some ideas: “We originally planned to add on to our store,” says Hostetler. “But we realized we needed somebody who could come in and help us utilize the space the way we wanted. We weren’t selling the dollars per square foot we wanted.” That was where Blish-Mize came in. “Their team did a great job of coming in, taking measurements, and giving us a reset proposal,” says Hostetler.
Blish-Mize staff also looked at the store’s market and sales demographic potential. Their analysis led to sugges- tions for the store reset that would make Hostetler’s a more profitable store. “They did some measurements and some research, and after seeing what they came up with, we realized we could nearly double the floor and shelf space,” Hostetler says. “We moved the checkout counter and did some other changes to the layout. We were able to avoid expanding the size of the building, but were still able to bring in more
18 Fall 2014 • Hardlines Strategies
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6/20/14 2:23 PM
inventory, allowing us to be dominant in more categories.” Blish-Mize also helped with the reset by helping Hostetler rearrange the store so it flowed better. Now, customers are more likely to find everything they need at Hostetler’s. “Before, our inventory was kind of spotty—our customers could generally get about half of what they needed,” Hostetler says. “But now we’re more dominant in a lot of areas. We can offer customers just about everything on any
of their shopping lists, and that’s made us more dependable to them.” One of the final changes was the addi- tion of the Blish-Mize Customizable Interior Sign Package. The store previ- ously didn’t have any sort of aisle mark- ers, but the staff knew they wanted to add them during the reset. “They help better identify where things are for the customers,” says Hostetler. “We saw the signage in the Mini-Store at the Blish-Mize Market and knew we wanted something similar in our store. And besides
being useful, the aisle markers really finish off the look of each category.” The staff especially appreciated the help they received from their sales rep, Janet Elias. “She’s been very helpful and went the extra mile during the reset,” says Hostetler. “She was very particu- lar in how the store was set up, and we appreciated it. She’s done a great job.” More Changes Not only has Blish-Mize helped with the look of the store, but it also has helped the Hostetler’s staff set its pricing. “Blish-Mize helped us set our prices across the board,” Hostetler says. “We used to have the same margins for most of our products, but Blish-Mize has helped us see where some products may have lower margins and where we can increase margins on other products that may not be as price-sensitive.” Hostetler’s also began carrying the Hardware House line of products, which has been popular with customers, says Product Manager Micah Swartzentruber. “We recent- ly had one customer who got a name-brand faucet, and he ended up returning it and get- ting a Hardware House faucet instead. He was impressed with it—it worked well, was simple to install and was of good quality.” Going to Market The Hostetler staff regularly attends Blish- Mize Markets and finds value in doing so. They’re also strong believers in the new SmartBook tool. Micah says it’s been helpful as store staff plans its purchases before going to the Market. “We are still building our purchase his- tory with Blish-Mize, but the SmartBook is going to be really beneficial for us,” says Purchasing Manager Sheldon Swartzentruber. “As time goes on, we’ll be able to more easily look back and see what we’ve purchased, how much we’ve sold and what we need to buy moving forward.” Of course, networking is a big part of the Market. “It’s great to see new products and talk to buyers,” Hostetler says. “We can learn more about different products, and just see the latest and greatest and hear more about what we can be doing.”
Not only has Blish-Mize helped with the look of the store, but it also has helped the Hostetler’s staff set its pricing.
Bish-Mize helped the Hostetler’s staff reset the store so it flowed better and had a larger product offering.
20 Fall 2014 • Hardlines Strategies
Thumbs Up For Success Get Ready for Blish-Mize’s Fall Buying Market, Sept. 19-20
The Market, which will have a “Thumbs Up for Success” theme, will be held Sept. 19-20 at the Overland Park Convention Center in Overland Park, Kansas. “This Market will once again be the place to find exceptional values, meet other retailers and see new products,” says Blish-Mize Communications Director Blish Connor. “It is also a time to sit down with your Blish-Mize salesperson and the other employees who want to see you succeed. We are always here to help you, and the Market is always a great place to connect.” Vendors will be on hand to show off their newest products and answer any questions you may have. The Market also provides a great opportunity to network with other retailers and exchange ideas. And, of course, Blish-Mize staff will be available to meet with you and answer any specific questions you may have about your business. Best of all, there will be $10,000 in cash giveaways to put some extra money in your pocket. The cash coupons drawings each day means 40 lucky customers will walk away with $250 each. These drawings will be held throughout the day on Friday and Saturday. Entering is easy: Place orders vendors and learn how to take your store to the next level, then mark your calendar for the Blish-Mize Fall Buying Market. A re you ready to expand on your store’s success? If you want to find new products, talk with
The Blish-Mize Fall Buying Market will be held Sept. 19-20 at the Overland Park Convention Center in Overland Park, Kansas.
Just as the Mini-Store did, Assortment Central offers some ideas on how Blish-Mize can help you put together product assort- ments or give your store a new look through some merchandising changes. It also will offer a select group of assort- ments from across core categories for up to 50 percent off. Most items are two to a peg and offer a great opportunity to replenish inventory after a busy summer or to try out a new product line at a low risk. “Most of these assortments will be shipped out of our Distribution Center,” says Blish-Mize Vice President of Marketing Chuck Short. “And each assort- ment will be as much as 50 percent off—a great deal for our customers. “It’s a great opportunity to expand or refresh a category for a low investment,” he says. “Assortment Central will have over 200 running feet of assortments, and all will carry special Market Terms.”
with the Cash Coupons you’ll find in the Market Book. But the Market isn’t all work and no play. When the showfloor closes on Friday, Blish-Mize will treat you to dinner from the famous Jack Stack Barbecue, along with music from a Kansas City band, KOKOMO, that you’ll be sure to give two thumbs up. “The band is really fun and should provide some great entertainment and a chance to relax and talk after a busy day on the floor,” says Connor. “We know our retailers will enjoy it, and Jack Stack Barbecue is always a hit.” Assortment Central Blish-Mize introduced its Mini-Store a couple of years ago. Now, the com- pany has updated it to focus on popular assortments in core categories, and it has a new name: Assortment Central.
22 Fall 2014 • Hardlines Strategies
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Weather resistant for high humidity Hot dipped galvanized for thicker zinc coating Out performs zinc-coated rod with weather treated lumber
Come visit us at Booth 314 for details Each new order of a National Heavy Duty Reinforcement or Galvanized Threaded Rod ASSORTMENT will be entered into a drawing for a FREE Kevo Bluetooth ® enabled deadbolt.
Customers can purchase as many assortments as they’d like, but only one of each. Assortment Central will be located right at the entrance to the showfloor. Don’t miss the opportunity to refresh or renew these categories at a very small investment. sure to keep an eye out for Hardware House products, a Blish-Mize brand that has prov- en to be very popular with retailers. “Hardware House was introduced a few years ago and is a program that contains a strong number of SKUs across a variety of categories,” says Hardware House Merchandising Manager Dennis Bigler. “The value-priced products are very popular among customers and offer strong price points for you.” There will be a number of deals at the Market featuring Hardware House prod- ucts. For example, there will be a 12-foot bath program that, between a show deal and spiff special, will be offered for 50 percent off. Don’t miss this chance to check out what’s available with Blish- Mize’s brand of products. Advertising Now is the time to start planning your marketing program for 2015. During your time at the Market, stop by the Retail Services booth and speak with Advertising and Communications Manager for Distribution America Jody Maude, or Blish-Mize Retail Marketing Supervisor Cindy Kane, either of whom can help you make plans for the coming year. While Blish-Mize continues to offer you traditional advertising options such as print circulars, bag stuffers and mail- ers, don’t miss out on the host of other opportunities to reach your customers. More consumers these days are going online to plan their home improvement purchases, and Blish-Mize has been developing ways to help you reach customers there, too. The AdViewer module, part of the Blish-Mize AdStudio program, allows you to convert your circular and flier promotions to your Hardware House As you walk the showfloor, make
Blish-Mize Fall 2014 Market Schedule of Events: Please join our Vendor Partner, Variety Distributors, in the Ballroom of the OPCC! Friday, Sept. 19, 2014 8:30 a.m. Market Opens 12-12:45 p.m. Lunch 5:15 p.m. Cash Coupons Drawings 5:30 p.m. Market Closes 5:30-8:30 p.m. Dinner 6-6:45 p.m.
Customer Appreciation Jack Stack BBQ and music from KOKOMO
Saturday, Sept. 20, 2014 7:30-8:15 a.m.
Homemade Cinnamon Rolls, served while they last!
8:00 a.m.
Market Opens
12-12:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
Cash Coupons Drawings
3 p.m.
Market Closes
The Market offers retailers an opportunity for one-on-one time with vendors and Blish-Mize staff.
24 Fall 2014 • Hardlines Strategies
Live the Outdoors!
up to 50% off on new dealer programs
See our lateSt warehouSe additionS at booth #908
14-MTT-1187 Blish-Mize Ad_3.375x4.875_V2.indd 1
6/23/14 3:10 PM
website or Facebook or Twitter accounts. AdViewer is tablet- and mobile-friendly so your customers have access to your specials at home or on the go. Another great way to reach your con- sumers online, however, is to add social media to your advertising package. More than likely, you’ve heard of other retailers that have had success with social media. But the biggest challenge you might face is coming up with ideas for what you should be posting on your Facebook or Pinterest account. Now, Blish-Mize has a way to help. Unlike print advertising, which focuses directly on specific products and sale
prices, social media advertising helps generate excitement about your store and keeps you top-of-mind to your consumer, even when there isn’t a sale. After showing you how to get started with your own Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest account, Maude can then help you get started with content. “We will have sample content and graphics each day of the week,” says Maude. “For example, we’ll have some suggestions for quotes and graphics for Motivational Mondays, and tips and cor- responding images for Tuesday Tips and so on, so you have a little something to post each day of the week.” Another great
source of content, she says, is the events and activities happening around your store. There will be information about each of the main social media platforms avail- able at the booth. If you’re interested in creating a social media page for your store and would like some help from Blish-Mize staff, sign up at the booth so someone can follow up with you after the Market. “We’ll help retailers get set up with pag- es and images that can go on those pages, and we’ll have information about social media policies and some tips on running a social media account that helps retailers really interact online with their customers,” Maude says.
Featured Vendors at the Market • Arrow Storage Sheds —This new vendor will be introduced at the Fall Market, and Blish-Mize will offer a warehouse and direct shipment program on its products, which include four sheds and two storage chests in various finishes, including products from their new Designer™ series. Show specials will include 20-percent-off coupon spe- cials for the Brentwood and Designer ™ storage chests and 15-percent-off featured items specials on the Vinyl Milford and Storboss Camo Storage Chest. The Designer™ storage chest launched in July, and Blish- Mize is one of the first distributors to get this new item. For more than 50 years, Arrow has served as the mar- ket leader in the design, manufacture, sourcing and marketing of d-i-y outdoor steel storage solutions and has built brand recognition and loyalty thanks to its high quality, longevity and value. • Karcher North America —Karcher is a new stocking vendor of pressure washers and a window vac used to help wash windows. This vendor has been work- ing with Blish-Mize on a wholesale program that will allow you to stock its entire line of products, either through the Blish-Mize warehouse or direct to store. Karcher will be at the Blish-Mize Market with deals on all its products, including a special on the Karcher S650 sweeper and its award-winning PowerSqueegee. Karcher North America is the largest manufacturer of pressure-washing equipment in the world,
having been manufacturing this equipment since 1947. Stop by its booth and see how Karcher makes a difference! • Metaltech Omega —Metaltech Omega is a new Blish-Mize stocking vendor for scaffold products. Metaltech is a Canadian manufacturer of interior and exterior scaffolding, climbing products and wire mesh temporary fencing. It’s the largest scaffolding erection and dismantling company in Canada and a true specialist in the scaffolding industry. Stop by the Metaltech Omega booth (431) to learn more about the special offerings this vendor has for you and what it can do for you and your store. • Protect Plus —This is a new vendor for furnace filters, replacing American Air. It offers a variety of filters—anything from fiber- glass filters that protect equipment to branded electrostatic filters. Through Protect Plus, you can buy filters from DuPont, Arm & Hammer, True Blue and WEB. And at the Blish-Mize Market, Protect Plus will be offering an additional 5 percent off all pleated filters. Protect Plus filters reduce particulates, odors and VOCs and freshen the air indoors. This vendor is one of the leading full-line suppliers of the residential and commercial HVAC industry and is the one-stop shop for all your category needs.
26 Fall 2014 • Hardlines Strategies
Visit us at Booth 235
Fixall Interior/Exterior Latex Flat White
Quantity: 33 Two-Gallon Buckets Use everywhere! Interior walls and ceilings
Extended guard rail securely wraps around work zone and holds tools
and exterior siding. Regular Ea. $16.53
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$ 497 97
Drop Ship Special:
Extra-large platform feels like you’re standing on the ground
Blish-Mize #3012259
BOOTH #621
Blish-Mize #3012267
Blish-Mize #3012275 • Interior and exterior oil-base spray enamel • Use on wood, metal, plastic, wicker & masonry • Fights Rust
Special Cost:
$ 2 50 per can; Case of 6
• Dries in 5 minutes • No-drip formula
Integrated rail shield, EDGE bracing, oversized foot pad
AD464 © 2013 Werner Co.
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7/9/14 11:16 AM
• 3/4” exterior diameter for a more powerful spray • Automatically expands and contracts • Tested up to 250 psi • Weighs just under 2 lbs.
Success With the SmartBook How Retailers Save Time and Money With a New Tool From Blish-Mize
Why? He was using Blish-Mize’s SmartBook, a new tool that contains his store’s historical purchasing data and sales projections. Because he utilized the SmartBook, a free tool available to Blish-Mize retailers, Lightfoot was able to plan ahead for the Market. Before he even arrived, he’d already taken a look at his store’s purchasing history and was prepared to place his orders right away. “I could see what we purchased three, six and 12 months ago,” he says. “It made the purchasing process this time much quicker and easier.” Lightfoot was just one of several retailers who had a similar experience. “I was apprehensive when Blish-Mize first shared the new concept,” says Tim Wisdom, owner of Wray Lumber in Wray, Colorado. “But when I sat down and went through the SmartBook, I thought it was a great concept. It helps us better prepare for the Market. It’s just so much more efficient.” Hermitage Lumber in Hermitage, Missouri, went to the Blish-Mize Spring Buying Market in March, he already knew what he wanted to buy. As a result, he spent less time placing orders and more time walking around the showfloor and networking. W hen Larry Lightfoot, manager of
A New Tool At the Spring Buying Market in March, Blish-Mize introduced the SmartBook, which is customized to each store and offers you purchasing data so you can better plan your purchases before the Market. By getting much of your work done ahead of time, you can utilize your time at the Market in other ways—by talking with vendors, finding new products and exploring new assortments. “The SmartBook is informative and efficient,” Lightfoot says. “Before, I would look through the old market book, get on the computer to see our purchase history, and then type in every item I wanted to buy. But with the SmartBook, it’s all there in one place. Thanks to it, I’m able to have some extra time at the Market looking at new products and talking with vendors and other retailers.” Lightfoot says he especially likes how the SmartBook is personalized to his store. “It isn’t a generic book of what everyone needs to buy. It’s tailored to our store and our needs.” Wisdom agrees. “We do our homework before these Markets. This easy tool allows us to take a hard look at our purchase his- tory and make more educated decisions.”
Trying It Out Blish-Mize hopes you, too, will take advantage of this complimentary new tool at the Fall Buying Market. “It’s a very intelligent book, custom- ized with your purchase history for your store,” says Blish-Mize Vice President of Marketing Chuck Short. “It’s proven to be very beneficial, offering maximum discounts and helping you make plans for when you go to market. You can do more work ahead of time, which saves you time when you get to the Market.” Short estimates ordering from the SmartBook could save as much as 7 to 9 percent off an entire order. And all orders come with 90 days dating. Visit www.blishmize.com to register online for the SmartBook, which will trig- ger the mailing of the physical book to your store. “The sooner you register, the sooner you’ll have your SmartBook in hand, and the sooner you can start prepar- ing for the Market,” Short says. For more information about the SmartBook, talk to your sales representative or email Chuck Short at chuck.short@blishmize.com.
28 Fall 2014 • Hardlines Strategies
A T B O O T H 7 3 6
Re-key the SmartKey padlock to your current Kwikset house key using SmartKey’s 3-step process. Now your house key will unlock your SmartKey padlock.
Be sure to visit Rust-Oleum booth 321 to see our show specials and new items Come Grow With Rust-Oleum Brands! A-3322 USB Devices Blish AD 3.375x4.875FLAT.indd 1 7/1/14 3:04 PM
On Track With Technology Blish-Mize Forms New Partnership to Offer LED Commercial Lighting
Representatives from Titan LED, along with Blish-Mize-trained LED lighting per- sonnel, will be at the Fall Buying Market to educate customers about this growing tech- nology and full product offering, plus dem- onstrating the opportunity business owners have by converting to LED lighting. “LED lighting allows a business to save 50 to 75 percent of its electrical costs, because this type of lighting provides more light for lower wattage,” says Titan LED Regional Manager and National Recruitment Manager TimWhittinghill. “It also saves time and money spent on maintenance of traditional lighting. LED technology typically lasts 10 times longer than traditional lighting, which eliminates maintenance expenses for replace- ment bulbs and tubes, disposal fees, ballast replacement and electrical contractor fees. “The combination of these reduced expens- es creates larger short- and long-term profits for the business owner,” he says. time and money. One of the company’s recent moves to promote that efficiency is a partnership with Titan LED Lighting, a California-based manufacturer specializing in energy-efficient LED lighting. A s technology progresses, Blish-Mize works to stay on the forefront in order to be more efficient, which means using the latest products, all while saving
The companies teamed up to offer Titan LED’s products to all Blish-Mize customers. “Blish-Mize has a wonderful reputation and a special relationship with its customers,” says Whittinghill. “We thought they would be the perfect partner in this venture as we team up to install and distribute our products.” Blish-Mize New Business Development and Key Accounts Manager Clay Uhrmacher agreed. “We’re always looking for ways to bring added value and help improve our cus- tomers’ bottom line, making them more prof- itable. We’re excited about this opportunity.” Titan LED lighting was recently installed at the Blish-Mize corporate office and distribu- tion center, providing a truer, more efficient lighting system than the traditional fluorescent bulbs previously in place and offering signifi- cant savings in ongoing monthly utility costs. Looking forward, Blish-Mize-trained Titan LED lighting specialists will visit with custom- ers and show them how to convert to this new lighting technology. Titan LED will also have a booth at the Fall Buying Market, where you can get more information if you might be interested in doing a conversion in your store. “We’ve put together an easy process to help you analyze your current system, and if your store is a good fit with the Titan LED
program, we’ll work with you to get the right lighting,” says Uhrmacher. Blish-Mize and Titan LED staff will work together to offer a free analysis of your store. By looking at the current lighting fixtures in your store and the past 12 months of utility bills, they can provide information about the type of lighting you’ll need and how much, as well as an estimate of the project’s cost. Concerned about costs? They’ll let you know if there are any savings available through local utility companies or federal gov- ernment tax credit programs. Blish-Mize has a leasing program if you choose to finance the cost of the conversion. “It’s a perfect match for us and for Blish- Mize,” says Whittinghill. “You have two quality organizations that can provide these products and show retailers how much energy, money and time they can save each month.” And the products are of high quality, with several items made in the USA, Uhrmacher says. “Titan LED has a deep product line offering full of premium commercial LED lighting. We’re excited to be on the forefront of this growing category with a company that’s a leader in the field, while at the same time offering another way for our customers to improve their businesses’ profitability.”
Titan LED Lighting being installed in a recent Blish-Mize office set.
Hardlines Strategies • Fall 2014 31
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