Fall 2018 Hardlines Strategies
Talking With the Team How Can You Best Communicate With Your Millennial Employees?
That means there’s a good chance that at least a few of your employees are millennials, who are classified as anyone born between 1980 and 2000. You’ve probably heard a lot about millennials and their workplace preferences—how they like to have work-life balance and often labor force, according to the Pew Research Center and the U.S. Census Bureau. I n 2016, millennials became the largest generation in the
communicate via their smartphones or tablets—and it may leave you wondering how to best work with these employees, especially if your staff includes people of all ages, some of whom will have different
But they still understand the value of face-to-face interaction, and there are times when they may even prefer it. So, when you’re providing feedback to a millennial employee, don’t assume an email is best. Instead, take some time to sit down with that employee and talk through a situation, work through a problem or give a compliment, rather than sending a quick email or text message to convey that information. Millennials want feedback, and they’ll be glad they got it from you in a meaningful way. Providing Feedback Speaking of feedback, millennials prefer to hear from their supervisors more frequently than you might expect.
communication preferences. Below, we’ve offered a few suggestions on how to best
communicate with the millennials at your business. What’s more, these tips may be helpful to use with other members of your team, too!
Speaking Face-to-Face Millennials grew up with digital
communication—think email, smartphones and social media—and in many instances, may prefer to use these to stay in touch.
36 Fall 2018 • Hardlines Strategies
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